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Last updated 4 Mar 2003 | [an error occurred while processing this directive] |
This is a draft edition! It is very incomplete! See the first part of this article. You have been warned!
The early 12th century Gaelic notes in the Book of Deer mention "Domnall mac Giric", "Domnall mac Ruadrí", "Domnall mac Meic Dubbacín", and "Mal Petir mac Domnaill".[Jackson; Simple Guide]
As yet, no pre-1600 Scottish Gaelic examples of the name have been found in documents written in Gaelic but using Scots orthography.
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A number of historical Scottish kings were named Domnall (Donald). Because modern history books tend to use modernized, normalized, and/or Anglicized spellings for the names of historical figures, they are usually not useful for determining specific forms and spellings as used before 1600. However, modern history books can give reliable information about the periods when someone with some form of the name lived. Historical Scottish kings with some form of the Gaelic name Domnall include:
Identified in Modern History Books as | Flourished | Reigned | Died | References |
Domnall Brecc | Dál Riata 629-42 | 642 | Smyth, 31, 256 | |
Donald son of Owen | King of Dumbarton | c 694 | Smyth, 62 | |
Donald I | King of Scots 858-62 | 862 | Smyth, 179, 220-1, 256 | |
Donald II | King of Scots 889-900 | 900 | Smyth, 187, 217-8, 220-1 | |
Donald son of Áed son of Kenneth | 878 (father died), 908-16 | King of Strathclyde | Smyth, 220-1, 222-3 | |
Donald son of Owen son of Donald II | King of Strathclyde 962- | 975 | Smyth, 220-1, 224 | |
Donald Ban or Donald III | King of Scots 1093-4 and again (after Duncan II) 1094-7 | Lynch, 492 |
(To be written when time permits.)
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